Many women get addicted to blonde, and loose any evidence of their natural color on the ends. When this happens, the grow out of natural color looks more obvious than it does when the natural color connects through the ends. Now, I do feel that truly believable blondes are also lighter on the ends than at the scalp, so after I apply a head of highlights and lowlights there are some previously highlighted ends left untouched.
If I am highlighting a client that has no previously highlighted ends, I make it look more believable by just highlighting the ends in some of the foils. I then also wait a couple appointments before lowlighting to maintain the look.
The great thing about blending highlights and lowlights, besides the appearance, is that it can actually save you money. Clients with more blonde and less natural color come in more often, and usually get more expensive services. I also like alternating services when a client has gray coverage and highlights. We cover the gray every appointment, and only highlight every second, third or even fourth visit.
Ultimately, the most beautifully believable blondes are close to blonde naturally, and we are just adding to what Mother Nature already provided. Just remember, they are called "highlights" for a reason.
My favorite believable blondes right now: Amanda Seyfried, Naomi Watts.